Thursday, September 20, 2007

STC - C2W10D74

Summer Tracker Challenge
Beginning Date: July 16, 2007
Ending Date: October 7, 2007

Workout: HIIT on treadmill + 15:00 walking at 5% incline
2 miles: 23:22
total distance: 2.737 miles
total time: 35:00
speeds: 3.8, 5.2, 5.8, 6.3, 7.0 @ 5%, 8.0 @ 5%

Workout was good this morning. My legs were tired, though, in the beginning and I really wanted to get off and skip it. I pressed through it, though, and made it to the end. I'm not really sure if I hit my 10 or not. I tried increasing the incline to increase the intensity for my 10, but I don't think that 7.0 was the magic speed even at a 5% incline. So I walked for 2:30 and then ran for a minute at 8.0 5% incline. That was much tougher and I think would probably be closer to a 10 if I did it immediately after the other interval sets like normal. I will try that next time. Running at 9.0 is do-able, however, I really feel a little out of control - like my feet are going to fly out from underneath me and I'm going to go sailing right into the support pole behind me. If I can do a slower pace at a higher incline, that would be much preferable.

I'm considering doing pilates on my off weight training days. I've wanted to start doing pilates or yoga for a long time, but never could figure out how to fit that in, too. It ocurred to me yesterday that I could do it in the afternoon while Georgia is napping and the other two are at school. So I'm going to try that this afternoon.

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