Wednesday, September 5, 2007

STC - C2W8D52

Summer Tracker Challenge
Beginning Date: July 16, 2007
Ending Date: October 7, 2007

Workout: HIIT - 25:00, walk at 5% incline - 5 minutes;
2 miles: 23:40;
Total distance: 2.400 miles
Speeds: 3.7, 5, 5.7, 6.3, 9.0

Lift - legs/back/biceps; changed to the kind of rep-ping that Dave does... same number of reps for each set instead of repping to failure for each set. He says he enjoys it more, I'm going to see what I think. Today and yesterday I did 10 reps for each set of every exercise.

I was getting pretty discouraged during my run this morning. It was tough. I could barely make it through the interval sets without stopping at some point during them. I had to increase my walking time to 2 minutes between each interval set because I couldn't catch my breath. I was getting kind of ticked off, but what could I do?

When I went to increase the incline for my last 5 minutes of walking I saw that I had been running at a 1.5% incline the entire time. That made me feel much, much better!

Eating was good yesterday. I didn't miss all of those calories that I had been eating before. I feel good about going back to weight watchers, but combining it with BFL with good, lean proteins and good complex carbs. I feel like I'm getting the best of both programs and will be able to not feel guilty about my free day on Sunday - but yet still need to watch it so it doesn't get out of control. I feel like I'm on a good path and hopefully by our anniversary weekend in South Haven I will have lost at least 5 pounds but hopefully closer to 10.

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