Monday, September 10, 2007

STC - C2W9D57

Summer Tracker Challenge
Beginning Date: July 16, 2007
Ending Date: October 7, 2007

Workout: treadmill - Couch to 5k
2 mile: 26:40
Total time: 35:00
Total distance: 2.757 (I think - will have to check my notes)
speeds: 3.8, 5.5, 5.3

Lifted right afterward since I wanted to watch a movie while the girls are in school.

Bench Press: 3x12 @ 60lbs (will increase to 3x8 @ 65lbs)
Push ups: 12, 9, 10 (will do as many as possible for each set)
Cuban Press: 3x12 @ 10lbs each arm (keep the same, work on form)
Lateral Raise: 3x12 @ 10lbs each arm (keep the same, work on form)
Behind Head Extensions: 3x12 @ 24lbs (increase to 3x8 @ 28lbs)
Kickbacks: 3x12 @ 12 lbs (keep the same, work on form)

Couch to 5k this week is: 5 minutes walking, 2 sets of
run 90sec, walk 90 sec, run 3 min, walk 3 min.

I lowered my running speed in order to increase my endurance. I think it helped a lot. I didn't feel so fatigued and ready to die by the end of the 3 minutes. I understand this about myself: I want to push myself to be where I want to be right now. I have a hard time learning to get there slowly. I want to run 3 miles in less than 30:00 RIGHT. NOW. But it is going to take time to get there and that means I need to slow down so I can endure what I'm doing right. now.

I also did 3 sets of those intervals because I wanted to run for longer than 20 minutes. I ended with a 5 minute cool down walk at a 3% incline.

My weights were good. Heavy. And my form is treacherous and needs work. I'm going to leave some of my weights the same so that I can work on getting each rep completed with good form. Right now I'm getting the reps completed, but doing so is not pretty. Again - I want to be there right now, but I need to work my way to the point where I can truly lift those weights.

I think I'm going to go down to 3 days of lifting per week. I'm going to have to fight myself on this one. Have been thinking a lot about all of this over the weekend... will add more thoughts later.

(Saturday and Sunday went well in terms of eating. Having to count points makes it harder for me to go out of control on my free day. I didn't really count points either day, but knowing that I was going by points made me more aware of what I was doing and not so willing to splurge).

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