Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Day 17

Beginning Date: April 30, 2007
Ending Date: July 20, 2007

Day 17 -

Workout: HIIT, 5.34 miles in 20:00

My legs were so tired this morning. I had a hard time ramping up my workout because they were sore and tired. I did, though, and managed to get to 5.34 miles, which is awesome. My heartrate is consistently over 170 (according to the pulse thing on the bike, which I'm not ever sure is reliable), which is what I aim for in a good cardio workout. And I've been sweating, so thats good.

I've also been doing a good job with eating clean. I never know if I'm eating too much or too little - I really wish there was a concrete meal plan for me to follow so I would know I was doing it right. I'm kind of gauging it on the fact that I'm not terribly hungry throughout the day, but I'm hungry enough at each meal time to be eating. Based on what I'm reading on the tracker site, this should be a good amount of food. I have not posted anything there, but I read, read, read and try to gain as much insight as possible through others' posts. It has been helpful - I've learned new things and it is encouraging to see others struggling through the first few weeks and being encouraged to stick with it because they will eventually see results. I have this nagging thought in the back of my mind that this plan works for others, but that I'm not doing everything correctly so it isn't going to work for me. But then I'll read a post from someone who is on week 5 and has not lost a pound and keeps going, or a post from someon who didn't lose any weight throughout the first 8 weeks and then it started melting off. I get the energy and the will to continue, then. At times, though, I've thought that I should just take the 2 months to do Weight Watchers hard core, lose the 15 pounds that I want to lose and THEN get back to BFL... but I know my dedication won't be the same since I had such a hard time being motivated with WW over the last year. And again, I have to remember that this isn't about the weight number itself, but living a healthy life - and I'm doing that through BFL, not always through WW.

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