Thursday, May 24, 2007

Day 25

Beginning Date: April 30, 2007
Ending Date: July 20, 2007

Day 25 -

Workout: UBWO

Changed some of my exercises around. I think I need to increase some of my weights and I'll be good. My arms are definitely sore and tired after working out this morning - and a bit trembly.

I was thinking about how I've read that this process is 80% diet and only 20% workout. Thats kind of discouraging to me because I never feel confident that I'm eating correctly. I'm never confident that my portions are appropriate or that I haven't added something to my food that may mess the whole thing up. You're supposed to measure portions based on your open palm (minus fingers) for protein and your fist for carbs... okay, so that would probably be one egg for me - but I'm eating 1 yolk and 3 whites. Am I eating way too much? I would never be satisfied or filled up on just one egg with my portion of carbs (oatmeal). What about my tuna for lunch? I've been eating a whole 6oz can - is this too much? So what am I supposed to do? Eat half and put the other half away and smell up the fridge? (I actually bought some 3 oz cans last night). What about the carbs to go with it? I've been eating the Wasa crackers - 2 of them. Too much? Do I break 1/4 of one off? How do I know? And then there is dinner and the shakes and bars... Shakes and bars are in preportioned containers - are they too much for me? Each of them are 180 calories and I add nothing to them... And dinners have been a meal from the EFL cookbook - and they're hard to portion out, too.

I saw on the BFL website that in order to lose fat and gain muscle I should be eating 1620 calories a day. I really, really do not want to start counting calories. That sounds miserable to me. I'm just not confident that I'm eating right - and I don't know how to get it right. Its very frustrating.

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