Saturday, May 5, 2007

Day 6

Beginning Date: April 30, 2007
Ending Date: July 20, 2007

Day 6 -

Did my UBWO this morning. Increased my weights on a couple of groups, am still trying to figure out the right weight sets for these new exercises - back and triceps. Am feeling like I'm working hard - I'll never know if I'm really hitting 10's, but I'm working hard so I'm good with that.

Last night we had a Trader Joe's Cabernet pot roast. I'm not sure if it would be considered a legal/approved BFL cut of beef... It was very good and I was proud of myself for eating the correct portion size rather than eating as much as I wanted. Of course it helps when the roast is small and Nora eats more of it than I do:)

We took our pictures last night. I'm not totally embarassed by what I saw. I am short and squatty - thats all there is to it. I'm thankful, at least that I'm fat all over and I don't have areas that are much bigger than others - like my stomach doesn't stick out, my hips don't stick out, my bum isn't falling out of the bottom of my swimsuit etc. I'm just big all over - arms, torso, hips, butt, thighs, calves, etc. everything except my head which looks tremendously small in the picture:) I want to continue to take photos - at least every 4 weeks if not more often, but I suspect that we'd see more of a change if we did every 4 weeks rather than every week. Its just a matter of remembering to do it... I want to see improvement. I'm putting my faith in the program that if I do it correctly, I WILL see improvement and seeing that improvement with give me motivation to go on.

I should really sit down and write out some goals. I'll have to do that tomorrow.

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