Monday, May 21, 2007

Day 22

Beginning Date: April 30, 2007
Ending Date: July 20, 2007

Day 22 -

WO: HIIT - 5.34miles in 20:00

The bike is still stuck on level 5 resistance, so I'm extremely surprised that my distance fell in line with what I was normally doing. Pretty amazed, actually:) My 10 was TOUGH. I went from doing between 77-83 rpm during the rest of the time, to doing 99-102 rpm during that minute. It was hard and I was spent - breathing and legs. Seems like by doing the whole workout at level 5 resistance, my butt was being worked more - I don't normally feel it there, but I sure did today. Cornbread is going to try to take the bike apart to see if he can figure out how to fix that problem.

Back to eating clean today. Our free day wasn't too bad, although we did have a birthday party for Ryann on Saturday night which included chips, pizza, ice cream cake & beer. I did not over do any of it and in fact, I opted out of having ice cream that afternoon after Nora's graduation - everyone else had some, I did not, so I was proud of that decision. Cornbread's free day began right around that time on Saturday and I held off until after church - however, I did not get all of my meals in and I did steal a few fries and a chicken nugget from the girls' lunch (McDonalds - I had a chicken sandwhich - ordered grilled, got crispy). So I had a good breakfast and a decent lunch on Saturday, no mid morning or mid afternoon meals - not on purpose, just due to scheduling.

Sunday wasn't too bad, either. Cornbread had nursery so we just had cereal for breakfast, then brunch for lunch (Uncle Floyd's birthday party), and leftover pizza for dinner. The brunch was horrible so I had a few bites of this and few bites of that, but mainly waffles and pineapple - so not too bad. Didn't snack a whole lot yesterday, but did have a couple of cookies in the morning and some ice cream after dinner. As a whole, my free day was not awful, so I'm not upset about it.

Today begins week 4. I will take pictures and measurements at the end of this week and I'm going to allow myself to have some beer on Monday next week (Memorial Day), but am going to try to continue to eat clean that day. I want to control my portions, cut the cheese out of my eggs, and eat on schedule this week. I don't think I have any kind of scheduling conflicts that will hinder those goals.

I'm still having faith that this program works for others and it is going to work for me. I have not seen a whole lot of change, but I'm going on faith that I will see some changes at the end. I have already concluded that I will not have the body that I ultimately want at the end of 12 weeks - those before and after photos are of people who are hardcore and I'm not willing to do that. But I'm hoping that I will see some changes - last time we did this I only got 6 weeks into it and I was starting to see muscles in my arms, so I know it was happening. This time, though, I'm 15 lbs heavier so it is going to be slower. I'm committed to doing this for longer than 12 weeks - hopefully at least a year. I just can't imagine going back to eating like we used to - we both feel so much better eating and working out this way, we have no reason to discontinue.

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