Friday, May 18, 2007

Day 19

Beginning Date: April 30, 2007
Ending Date: July 20, 2007

Day 19 -

Workout: HIIT - 5.30 miles in 20:00

My hamstrings hurt so badly I could hardly get out of bed. Walking is not difficult, but the process of lifting my legs to get them to the edge of the bed really hurt. Lets see, the rest of my body is in full pain mode, too. I think my triceps have stopped hurting, but right now my neck, my shoulders (trapezius), my back (deltoid), hamstrings, and lower back all hurt. I think this is a good sign that I hit my 10's yesterday. Also probably a sign that I might not have the absolute proper form for some exercises, so I should work on that.

Did my HIIT this morning and halfway through the workout the bike stopped changing resistance. I think the batteries need to be replaced. It got stuck at a resistance of 5, so at least it wasn't 3 or 2:) I wasn't able to do the intervals then, but I maintained a fast pace at resistance level 5 and then for the normal minute that I should be doing my 10 I sped up for the entire minute and wanted to die. Between my breathing and my hamstrings and quads BURNing, I wanted to die. Luckily it was only for a minute. Thinking back, I probably could have figured out a way to do the intervals, but I was okay doing it the way I did.

I'm feeling good - Like I'm doing this right. I need to clean up my eating a little bit. Last night I had 2 1/2 mini cookies at the mall and I've been having a small dish of the mango apricot granola with my shake in the afternoon. I don't think I can keep that stuff in my house anymore since I'm having a hard time resisting it (its gone) - but Georgia LOVES it, but she also makes a mess. So I don't know about buying it again... I've also been adding a small amount of cheese to my eggs in the morning and I should probably quit doing that. I'll have to think about it:)

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