Friday, August 31, 2007

STC - C2W7D47

Summer Tracker Challenge
Beginning Date: July 16, 2007
Ending Date: October 7, 2007

Workout: HIIT - 20:00, 10 minutes walking at 5% incline; 2 miles in 24:25, total distance: 2.343miles; & Bella online leg workout.

My running is getting better every time I do it, which is encouraging.

Mostly discouraged lately. Kind of feeling like I wish I could eat anything I wanted to. I'm just not sure that will ever be a part of my life again. I really enjoy the food that I'm eating, but I see other people eating and eating and eating whatever they want and I feel like I would like that freedom, too. But then I have to remember that I'm working toward something and that the reason most people are overweight (including myself) is because of the overindulgence and lack of discipline that is so characteristic of society. I want to rise above that. I want to have a healthy body and it takes hard work to get it. I don't want to just have a thin body, I want to have a healthy body and I want the hard work to show.

I really should take some pictures this weekend so I can see if I'm making progress. I think that is what's killing me - if I could see or notice it, then I wouldn't be so down in the dumps about this. The truth is that I have 4 weeks left of this challenge and then I can re-evaluate. I also have increased my weights or reps with every lifting session. My running times are getting better. I feel stronger and more confident because I am working hard - and am probably working harder than most people that I see walking on the streets. The truth is that I am becoming healthier.

I should get a blood test done at the end of this challenge and then retest around my birthday.

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