Friday, November 30, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: C25k
3 miles: 38:30
Distance: 4.0 miles
Time: 51:17
Speeds: 3.9/5.5/5.2

My run was good this morning. I struggled to get up and get down there. I felt so tired - not physically this time, more like I hadn't had enough sleep - and I just didn't feel like running. But I kicked myself out of bed and found my way to the treadmill. I had the last disc of Little Women to look forward to:)

My left calf hurt in a different way today. I dont' understand what is going on with that leg. It felt more like muscle tenderness today, not further in as it usually does.

Yesterday I did half of my back/chest workout on the new gym. I think I'm going to enjoy this. It should make my workouts quicker for sure, which will be nice. I also think that the variety of exercises for larger muscles like back, chest and legs is going to be bigger.

Today I will do shoulders and maybe abs this afternoon.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: HIIT on the bike
Distance: 8.11 miles
Time: 31:00

I took my photos yesterday - I was pretty disappointed. I guess considering how much BF I have lost and the change in my measurements over the last 4-6 weeks, I was expecting to see some pretty significant changes since October 15. I really didn't see much difference - perhaps its my own self criticism, but I didn't see much change. Oh well, it won't deter me. The numbers on the tape measure don't lie and even if the BF measurement is not 100% accurate, it has been consistent and it has been going down.

I did triceps and biceps yesterday afternoon and will do back/chest this afternoon.

My kids are driving me crazy - okay, its just Georgia. She is so destructive. I'm so exhausted by the end of the day from picking up after her, from being frustrated about all of the stuff she is destroying and ruining in our house and from listening to her fits... Its a wonder I get out of bed in the morning. Its been tough for the last couple of days.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: C25k
3mile: 38:39
distance: 4.0 miles
time: 51:27
program: W1/4mi, J1/4mi, W1/8mi, J1/2mi - repeat 2 1/2 times

Running was good today although my left calf/ankle was pretty sore. I didn't feel good at all when I woke up - over tired, body was sore, slight headache and congested sinuses. I got up anyway and dragged myself downstairs and I'm glad I did. I felt good while I was running - other than the leg issue. Again, I feel I made the right decision to start over.

We had our new gym assembled yesterday - it took all day. They were here from 11-4:45. Much longer than they (and we) anticipated. Dave tried it out this morning already and I think I'm going to wait until next week before I start doing a lot of work on it. I want to finish out this week on the workouts I've been doing and then over the weekend I will design an entire new workout schedule.

I didn't get triceps and biceps done yesterday because the assemblers were here. I felt like I had so much time on my hands while the girls were at school - I got the whole house cleaned! I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to just skip that workout this week or do it this afternoon.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: HIIT on the bike
Distance: 8.09miles
Time: 31:00

I could tell my legs were super tired from lifting yesterday. They did not want to pedal that bike! But I still sucked it up and tried to kick it into high gear for a good HIIT workout. I did pretty well. I maintained mid 90 rpms during my high intervals - not as great as 100, but I was happy with it considering how sore and tired my legs are today.

Weight: 130.6
BF: 21.02%
Will take photos sometime today - can't wait to see the changes, but also a little scared that they won't be noticeable.

Monday, November 26, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: C25k
distance: 4.00 miles
time: 51:42
Program: w1/4mi, J1/4mi, w1/8mi, J1/2mi - repeated 3 1/2 times

Running was actually really good today. I felt great while I was running and I feel good now. I think it was really good that I went back to the C25k and started over - mentally I needed it. Physically, too, I think.

I weighed myself and did BF this morning, but I'm going to wait to take final numbers until tomorrow. I will also do pictures tomorrow - I want to give myself a day to rehydrate after a loooong weekend of not drinking nearly enough water. I really need to get better about that.

I did okay this weekend in terms of eating. I didn't stay totally clean, but I definitely did not overindulge or have an all out feast. The worst of it was probably Saturday night - Dave and I went out for Chinese and then shared a Cookie Monster at Cheddar's afterward. Other than that, though, I didn't do too badly considering how long the weekend was.

We bought a new home gym yesterday. I saw an ad in the Sunday Tribune for one at MC Sports - normally $1500 on sale for $500 on Sunday and Monday. We flew over there and checked it out. We debated between the one we ended up getting and a smith machine for a while. I think we both wanted the smith machine, but ultimately chose this one because it has an assisted squat station, which I desperately need for my back. It also has an electronic personal trainer and we can do calf raises on the squat station. I'm very, very excited about it and I know Dave is too. This is holding us off from having to join a gym for a long time, I think. And it was only $500 - huge steal! We're having someone assemble it for us so we have to wait for that, but hopefully by next week we'll have it all ready to go.

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: steady state on the bike
distance: 8.13 miles
time: 33:00
speed: 75-80 rpms

I did not feel like getting up this morning to workout, but I did because I didn't have a true cardio session yesterday (we did walk fast downtown pushing strollers last night, but not the same thing).

I think Monday is going to be a bad day to take pictures - after Thanksgiving, after a 4 day weekend which has proven to be difficult to eat at the proper times. I will do better today, though - I will make sure I'm eating at the proper times today and we'll have a free meal tonight. Tomorrow, I'm going to try to have a free meal in the early part of the day so I'm not retaining so much water by having it at night.

Have been thinking a lot about this being a for-life thing. Not sure if it is. Am trying to figure it out. A friend has just started a program called Precision Nutrition. It is definitely something that I'm willing to look into as it focuses more on eating healthy and having it be a part of life rather than doing this extreme sort of calorie/carb/protein counting. I can do this for the rest of the challenge - I can do it until my birthday, which would make it a full year, but I'm not sure I can do it for the rest of my life. Not sure where to go with this.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: HIIT on the bike
distance: 8.22 miles
time: 31:00

I really kicked it in the bum this morning, holy cow - thats the longest distance I've gone so far while doing 30:00 HIIT on the bike.

Today is Thanksgiving. We are driving up to Michigan to have it with the Wiersma family. It was actually the year to spend with Dave's family, but since we can't afford to go out to Virginia and they aren't coming here, we've begged our way into my family's dinner. Aunt Sandy is cooking so it should be interesting - it won't just be your standard midwest Thanksgiving fare. I'm looking forward to the meal and the afternoon and evening. I'm glad I lifted yesterday so I don't have to worry about not doing so today. Tomorrow I'll miss a running session, but we're going downtown in the evening to see the tree and the windows, so I'll get some walking in. I'll also have to find time to do shoulders and abs tomorrow - shouldn't be a problem.

Pictures on are Monday so I need to have a good weekend.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: C25k
3 miles: 39:54
distance: 3.007
time: 40:00
speeds: 3.9/5.2/5.5

I had to cut my run short by 10 minutes this morning because I forgot that I have to take Nora to physical therapy by 7:30.

I finally found a way to get my cd player to stop skipping while I'm running - I put a huge roll of carpet next to the treadmill and set it on that. It worked! I was so happy - too bad I didn't think of it until I was almost finished. The skipping was frustrating me so much. I'm very excited about this, though!

I will be lifting chest and back sometime this afternoon - I still have to figure out when - to make up for the fact that I can't lift tomorrow. Three days in a row is going to be rough - I'm going to be dead tonight.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: HIIT on bike
distance: 8.08
time: 31:00

I kicked my own bum on the bike this morning. I really made a huge effort to get beyond even the 90 rpms during my high interval minutes. I was able to maintain about 99-100 for several of the high minutes and was quite proud of myself - especially on the day after a leg workout.

I weighed myself again this morning after spending yesterday trying to rehydrate myself. I was at 130.6. I'm still recording yesterday's weight - 132.2, but it makes me feel good to see that loewr number on the scale. I just can't wait to break through to the 120's again - it has been a really, really long time.

Regardless of what the scale says, though, I am loving my body and am happy with what is going on. I know that I work harder than 99% of the people that cross my path - and even if I'm not tiny, I'm strong - and people are taking notice. My FIL saw the muscles in my arms when he was here. My MIL was certain that I had lost some more weight and was surprised to hear that I hadn't lost any. I am enjoying this - I like what I eat, I feel I make responsible choices and am setting a good example for my kids in terms of eating right and exercising. It is a priority in our lives and we're very intentional about it and I'm proud of that.

I have quite a ways to go in terms of cardio training. I feel like I'm in good health, but I could be even better. I still want to be able to run 5 miles in 45:00 3 times a week. I know that goal is a long way off right now, but I'm steadily working toward it. And after I reach that goal, I'll set another and another. This is the way to live - not complacent, constantly striving forward to be even better than before.

This afternoon I will do triceps/biceps

Monday, November 19, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: Couch to 5k - week 3
3 miles: 39 minutes and something - forgot to pay attention
time: 53:00
distance: 4.014
speeds: 3.8/3.9/5.3/5.5
program: Jog 90seconds, walk 90 seconds, Run 3 minutes, Walk 3 minutes

I started the C25k again this morning. I started at week 3 so that I would end the training at the same time that I end this challenge. It definitely felt way too easy, but I need it, I think - mentally and perhaps physically.

Weight this morning: 132.2. Still hovering around 132, although every week when I weigh myself on Tuesday I weigh somewhere between 130 and 131 - I think its the water. I tried to drink a ton of water yesterday - and I did - but I didn't drink any water on Saturday and I had some alcohol on Saturday evening at the Jones party so I was even more behind the eight ball yesterday in terms of water.

BF this morning: 21.5% I believe. The most consistent reading I got on the calipers was 10.5mm. Its hard to believe that I've lost less than 2 pounds but I've lost 2 or 3% body fat. I'm right on track for my goal of 6% for this challenge - I hope the weight catches up. My goal is to be 125 by the end of the challenge, but it doesn't seem like I'll be any less than 132:)

I need to step it up and get back to my strict meal times and eating and planning. I could feel that last week I was slipping a bit and I definitely slipped a bit over the weekend - not in terms of eating horribly. I ate really well this weekend, however, I have it in the back of my mind all day that I'm going to have a free meal at night so I don't want to overindulge calorie-wise and end up skipping a meal or two throughout the day. I need to stop doing that and continue with my clean eating menu/meal times and not go overboard on that free meal.

I also slacked a bit on working out last week - I missed one cardio workout and I did tae bo instead of running on Friday morning. Not a horrible thing, but not what my expectations are either. I need to step it up. I'm almost halfway done with this challenge, I can't taper off toward the end.

One week from today I take pictures!

This afternoon I will do quads/hams.


One leg extentions: 12, 12, 10 @ 45lbs / each leg
BB Step Ups: 3x12 @ 67lbs / leg
BB Walking Lunges: 3x18 @ 67lbs / leg
Stiff Leg Deadlifts: 3x12 @ 67lbs
Lying Hamstring Curls: 12, 10, 8 @ 48lbs

Friday, November 16, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: Tae Bo

I took a morning off from cardio yesterday because we had gotten home so late the night before from Daughtry. I decided that it would be much more effective for me to sleep in than to tire my body out by getting up early and doing cardio. I did go down and lift in the afternoon, though - Chest/Back.

This morning I decided to do Tae Bo instead of run. I had such a horrible run on Wednesday that I think I'm just dreading getting back on the treadmill. I am going to start the couch 2 5k on Monday again and start from week 2 or 3 so that by the end of this challenge I will be running 3 miles. I need to get back into this, but I need to ease into it and do it smartly. Overuse and overtraining and injuring myself is not going to help anything.

My body is so tired lately and my right forearm is really suffering. I have pain near my elbow and just a general ache in my forearm and throughout the night I wake up with numb fingers. I'm not sure what I can do for any of it - or if it is all related or separate issues.

I wore my NY & Co. city stretch pants to Daughtry the other night. They look much different on me - I can see that my legs are changing shape a bit. The bottom part of my thighs is shaping up and my bum is tighter - these pants leave nothing to the imagination in those areas. Dave said they looked really, really good on me. I was pleased with how they fit. My body is changing - slowly but surely it is changing! I can't wait to see where I end up on my birthday next year!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 200
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: Running
3 miles: 36:32
distance: 4.066
time: 50:00
speeds: 3.8/5.2

Running was rough this morning. Combination of my body being tired, my calf hurting and not being able to listen to my book. For some reason while I run, the cd player stops - doesn't do it while I'm on the bike or if I walk, only when I run. Its frustrating. When I don't have the book to listen to I watch the news and I stare at the clock which makes it terribly difficult to get some decent minutes in. I may have to find a new cd player soon.

I've been thinking of going back to square 1 with the couch to 5k program. I never completed it - I just started running for minutes with the beginning of this challenge and missed the last few weeks of the training program. I'm going to restart it on Monday and I'm hoping that going back to easier runs will help me ease back into the longer runs.

Today is my day off of weights so I'll be doing yoga this afternoon. I'm looking forward to it - stretching sounds really good right about now:)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: HIIT on the bike
distance: 7.79 miles
time: 31:00

Holy cow is my body exhausted. I slept until 6:20 this morning and still didn't want to get up. I need to go post my weight workout from yesterday because I killed myself! My workout this morning showed how tired I was - I have typically been riding just slightly over 8 miles in 31 minutes and today I didn't get there. I could see that my rpms for both my low intensity and my high intensity minutes were about 5rpms lower than normal. I could just tell that everything about me was tired. That is to be expected after a leg workout, though.

I bruised the back of my neck yesterday while doing step ups. Sometimes I look back in hindsight and think that I'm such a flippin' idiot - like how could I not anticipate that something like this would happen? I was doing barbell step ups with 65lbs on my shoulders. I was stepping up onto one of the girls' desk chairs and at the last rep of my second set a leg buckled and broke off and the chair fell over - while I was on it. I was in the process of stepping down, I think, so I didn't fall, but I did stumble a bit and the barbell rode up my neck and thats where I'm bruised. I am so thankful, though, that that is all that happened. I could have gotten hurt much, much worse than that and I could have hurt Ryann pretty badly since she was hanging out there with me. God, thank you that it wasn't worse than it was!

But like I said, I look back and think I'm an idiot - that chair has broken so many times and it isn't sturdy - I should have realized that something could happen.

This afternoon I will do biceps and triceps

Monday, November 12, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: Running
3 miles: 37:00
Distance: 4.011
Time: 50:00
Speeds: 3.7/5.1(20:00)/5.2/3.8

So much to write about this morning... I tried to ease up on my run this morning and go more for endurance than speed. I ran for 20:00 straight at 5.1 mph and my heartrate was at 195bpm. I actually think that 5.1 is harder than 5.2 because it is too slow of a pace. When I increased the speed to 5.2 it felt much more comfortable. I ran 5.2 for 10 minutes and my heart rate was around 185bpm, so I think it is a better pace for me. I'm going to continue to work on endurance until I am comfortably running 3 miles straight - keyword being comfortablly. At that point I will try to start shaving time off.

I took a small break at the end of last week - it wasn't planned it just happened. Friday morning I woke up and my body was sooooo tired so I did yoga instead of running. In the afternoon I was feeling lonely and sad and ended up crying and watching tv in my bed instead of lifting weights. Saturday morning I was going to do cardio and lift, but I woke up with cramps and stayed in bed instead. But I did walk all afternoon at a craft show with my mother-in-law... I think it was good to take the break as my body feels rested and ready for the week. I didn't do too badly in terms of eating over the weekend. I didn't get as many meals in as I should have, but I did have my two free meals - pizza & salad on Saturday night & soup & salad on Sunday night.

I weighed and measured this morning. I was prepared for a bad weight this morning due to TOM (started Saturday) and water retention from the weekend (although I did drink more water yesterday than I normally do on Sunday). My weight was 132.8 - up .8 from last week. I'm okay with it. I may weigh myself tomorrow out of curiosity, but I recorded 132.8. I also tried measuring BF, but I still get such inconsistent readings - I'm going to do it again before I take a shower.

I'm really excited, though, because my measurements ROCK! I'm so excited about them! I think I've lost more in measurements in the past 4 weeks than I did in the previous 24 - lets check:

Site . . . . . 4/2/07 . . . . . 10/15/07 . . . . . 11/12/07
Weight . . . .135.4 . . . . . . . .133.6 . . . . . . . . 132.8
Waist . . . . . .32" . . . . . . . . . 31 1/8" . . . . . . 30 1/2"
Bicep . . . . . 12 3/4" . . . . . . 12 1/2" . . . . . . 12 3/8"
Bum . . . . . 37 3/4" . . . . . . .36 5/8" . . . . . . 35 15/16"
Thigh . . . . . 23" . . . . . . . . . 23 7/8" . . . . . . 23 1/4" (I don't think that first one was at the same spot)

This definitely gives me the motivation to keep doing what I'm doing and to get back to the stricter eating schedule and to keep my weekends under control. I cannot believe the difference in measurements even with such a little change in scale weight!

I will do quads and hams this afternoon and if I'm ambitious I will try to do shoulders/abs. It is Veterans Day and the girls are off of school so it might not be so easy to get the work out in this afternoon.... or it may be easier to get it all in. I will get it in some time today, though.


One leg extensions: 3x12 @ 42lbs
BB Step Ups: 3x12 @ 65lbs
BB Walking Lunges: 3x18 @ 65lbs
Stiff Leg Deadlift: 3x12 @ 65lbs
Lying hamstring curl: 12, 9, 8 @ 48 lbs

Upright Row: 12, 11, 9 @ 46lbs
BB Press: 12, 12, 9 @ 35lbs
Front Raise: 12, 10, 8 @ 15lbs

Friday, November 9, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2007

Workout: Yoga

I decided to give my body a break this morning and did yoga instead of running. I just need a rest, I think. And I feel a slight injury in my left calf/ankle that I don't want to aggravate any more than it already is. I will get back to running on Monday.

Yoga is tough, though. I am not flexible at all and it is difficult for me to stay in some of those poses for long periods of time. I did both the flexibility and the strength workouts on the DVD - so a total of about 45-50 minutes. In the strength workout, he holds the downward dog for quite a few breaths - pretty hard for me since not much weight is being beared on my feet for that one because of my inflexibility. He also does several poses where you're balancing all of your weight on your arms. Someday I'll be able to do that - I'm going to work my way to that, but right now, I can't. I do enjoy the stretching and the feeling that I'm becoming more flexible with each workout, so I'll continue to do it a couple of times a week.

This afternoon I will do shoulders and abs and then I'm done with weights for the week. My in-laws are coming for Georgia's birthday this weekend. My MIL and I are going to a craft show on Saturday during the day and then we're all going to the circus on Saturday night. Its going to tons of fun, but incredibly difficult to eat clean and at the appropriate times. I'm going to have to figure out how to make it work. I made some extra pumpkin protein muffins last night and perhaps I'll make some pancakes tonight so I can bring those along with me. I'm not going to turn this into an all out free weekend - I can't let their poor eating habits control me. I need to control myself and my decisions this weekend.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: HIIT on the bike
Distance: 8.06 miles
Time: 31:00

I did NOT want to work out this morning. I got up, got dressed, went back to bed, got up, hung out on the computer for a while and finally made my way down to the basement. My body is tired. Exhausted, really. I wasn't mentally tired - like I just wanted to go back to sleep - my body was tired - not achy or sore, just tired. I've never really experienced this before. But it isn't surprising based on how hard I'm working.

I've decided that I'm going to concentrate on my endurance with running for now. I want to be running comfortably. I want to run the whole 3 miles comfortably and THEN start working on shaving off time. Its hard for me to not try to push myself further than the time before, but I need to start being comfortable while I'm running - otherwise I dread it so much and I risk injury.

I did my new Yoga DVD yesterday afternoon. Its much better than the one I was doing before. It is quick, though. He moves through the poses very quickly - and I don't know them hardly at all, so I felt like I was constantly behind. I did the flexibility workout and felt like I got a really good stretch. I really should do it more often than once or twice a week, I just don't know how I would fit it in on the other days.

This afternoon I will do chest/back.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: Running
3 miles: 34:52
distance: 4.201
time: 50:00
speeds: 3.8/5.2/5.4/5.5

It was a lot of starting and stopping with my run this morning. I think I made it a little over a mile straight before I stopped for some reason and then it was just down hill from there. I just can't keep my momentum going after I've stopped once. I need to work on that. I have to break through this mental wall again... maybe I have to just stop working on taking seconds off of my 3 mile time and work on endurance instead.

This afternoon I will do my new yoga DVD - I'm excited to see how different it is from the other one. I hope it is a little more involved and intense.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: HIIT on the bike
Distance: 8.0 miles
Time: 31:00

Workout was good. I have a new book on cd: Little Women. I decided that this will be a good opportunity for me to read some classic literature - is Little Women a classic? Anyway, it sounds like it will be a good book.

My legs were sore and tired from an awesome leg workout yesterday afternoon and I felt like I had to really push myself to pedal in the proper rpms this morning. The burn was almost immediate - I love feeling that burn in my bum - it means that I'm working those muscles (and they need to be worked:)

I weighed myself this morning. I had weighed yesterday, but showed a loss of only .2lbs (132.0). However, I hardly drank any water over the weekend, so I wanted to drink a full gallon yesterday - rehydrate myself - and weigh again this morning. I had to jump on and off the scale a few times to believe what I was seeing - 130.6! Wow! That is definitely the lowest I've seen since being pregnant with Georgia. I'm really happy!

I also tried measureing my BF% yesterday and this morning and my readings were so inconsistent I have a hard time knowing what it actuallly is. The most consistent number that came up was 10mm (21.02%), which would be down almost 1.5% from last week - that just doesn't seem quite right... I'm going to have to continue to work on that.

I'm really happy with how things are going. My workouts are good - I feel great after I've run, I feel a burn after I do the bike and I am killing myself with the weight lifting like never before. I am increasing reps or weight with every exercise with every workout. This rocks!

This afternoon will be biceps/triceps.

Monday, November 5, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: Running
3 miles: 34:58
distance: 4.191 miles
Time: 50:00
Speeds: 3.8/5.2/5.3/5.5

My run was good this morning. I ran 2 miles straight - starting at 5.2 then increased to 5.3 at the 1 mile mark. I ran the last 3/4 mile (of the 3 miles) at 5.5 in order to come in under my previous time. I'm going to stick with running the 2 miles straight this week and increase it next week to 2.25 miles and go that route. I've got the mental wall for the 30 minutes and I just want to comfortably run 2 miles before going all out for the 30 minutes again.

I didn't do so great over the weekend in terms of eating. I didn't gorge myself, but I really didn't eat very clean for the most part. I didn't eat a whole lot, so I think my calories were probably in check, but I didn't pay much attention. I also didn't drink much water. We ate lunch over at Doug & Jenny's (I made lasagna) and then had small group in the evening - I have a tough time when I'm not at home... I don't think I did too bad, just a few too many pieces of halloween candy (considering I haven't had any candy bars during the week, I'm okay with the couple I had yesterday).

Next weekend will be another tough one - Dave's parents are going to be in town for Georgia's birthday. His mom and I are going to try to go to a craft show and then we're all going to the circus at night. We're going to have so much fun - I'm really, really excited about it. However, its going to be tough to eat clean and to eat on time. Sunday is going to be me at church with the girls by myself and then everyone over for lunch and the Bears game. I would guess that there may be a pizza involved - it won't be terribly difficult for me to turn that down as long as I'm at my house with my options. I also have to figure out a time to go grocery shopping over the weekend...

This week I'm going to read up on carb cycling and start planning my low and high days for that. I'm eager to see how this works and if I am as satisfied with my re-feed days as my teammates are. Its going to take some extra planning for me so that I can grocery shop properly.


One leg extensions: 3x12 @ 40lbs (each leg)
Barbell Step Ups: 3x12/leg @ 62lbs
Walking Lunges: 3x18/leg @ 62lbs
Stiff Leg Deadlifts: 3x12 @ 62lbs
Hamstring Curls: 48lbs: 12, 8, 7

Saturday, November 3, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2007

Workout: HIIT on the bike
distance: 8.05 miles
time: 31:00

Friday, November 2, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: Running
3 miles: 35:00
Distance: 4.154
Time: 50:00

I didn't make the 2 miles straight without stopping that I had planned - I took 2 brief (5-10second) water breaks, but no major breaks. I seem to have put up another wall for myself. I think it is a little harder, though, because I'm increasing my speed with every mile.

I feel really, really good after I run - I just wish I felt this good while I was running:)

This afternoon is shoulders/abs.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: HIIT on the bike
Distance: 7.83
Time: 31:00

I did a great HIIT workout this morning and went further than I have before. My bum is sore!

I did really, really well with the trick or treat candy yesterday. I had a grand total of 0 chocolate and 1 tiny tootsie roll (the smallest ones - smaller than a midgie) and I Now & Later. They were good. I had told myself that I could have one piece of candy (meaning a candy bar) after I had dinner. I didn't eat dinner until 8:30 and by that time the candy had been put away and my craving had passed. I think as long as the candy is put away and only brought out for the girls to pick a piece and its not in my face contantly I'll be okay.

This afternoon I will do Chest/back and I'm going to be sure to threaten every weight that I lift and let them know how badly its going to hurt when I kick their bums!