Friday, November 16, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: Tae Bo

I took a morning off from cardio yesterday because we had gotten home so late the night before from Daughtry. I decided that it would be much more effective for me to sleep in than to tire my body out by getting up early and doing cardio. I did go down and lift in the afternoon, though - Chest/Back.

This morning I decided to do Tae Bo instead of run. I had such a horrible run on Wednesday that I think I'm just dreading getting back on the treadmill. I am going to start the couch 2 5k on Monday again and start from week 2 or 3 so that by the end of this challenge I will be running 3 miles. I need to get back into this, but I need to ease into it and do it smartly. Overuse and overtraining and injuring myself is not going to help anything.

My body is so tired lately and my right forearm is really suffering. I have pain near my elbow and just a general ache in my forearm and throughout the night I wake up with numb fingers. I'm not sure what I can do for any of it - or if it is all related or separate issues.

I wore my NY & Co. city stretch pants to Daughtry the other night. They look much different on me - I can see that my legs are changing shape a bit. The bottom part of my thighs is shaping up and my bum is tighter - these pants leave nothing to the imagination in those areas. Dave said they looked really, really good on me. I was pleased with how they fit. My body is changing - slowly but surely it is changing! I can't wait to see where I end up on my birthday next year!