Monday, November 19, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: Couch to 5k - week 3
3 miles: 39 minutes and something - forgot to pay attention
time: 53:00
distance: 4.014
speeds: 3.8/3.9/5.3/5.5
program: Jog 90seconds, walk 90 seconds, Run 3 minutes, Walk 3 minutes

I started the C25k again this morning. I started at week 3 so that I would end the training at the same time that I end this challenge. It definitely felt way too easy, but I need it, I think - mentally and perhaps physically.

Weight this morning: 132.2. Still hovering around 132, although every week when I weigh myself on Tuesday I weigh somewhere between 130 and 131 - I think its the water. I tried to drink a ton of water yesterday - and I did - but I didn't drink any water on Saturday and I had some alcohol on Saturday evening at the Jones party so I was even more behind the eight ball yesterday in terms of water.

BF this morning: 21.5% I believe. The most consistent reading I got on the calipers was 10.5mm. Its hard to believe that I've lost less than 2 pounds but I've lost 2 or 3% body fat. I'm right on track for my goal of 6% for this challenge - I hope the weight catches up. My goal is to be 125 by the end of the challenge, but it doesn't seem like I'll be any less than 132:)

I need to step it up and get back to my strict meal times and eating and planning. I could feel that last week I was slipping a bit and I definitely slipped a bit over the weekend - not in terms of eating horribly. I ate really well this weekend, however, I have it in the back of my mind all day that I'm going to have a free meal at night so I don't want to overindulge calorie-wise and end up skipping a meal or two throughout the day. I need to stop doing that and continue with my clean eating menu/meal times and not go overboard on that free meal.

I also slacked a bit on working out last week - I missed one cardio workout and I did tae bo instead of running on Friday morning. Not a horrible thing, but not what my expectations are either. I need to step it up. I'm almost halfway done with this challenge, I can't taper off toward the end.

One week from today I take pictures!

This afternoon I will do quads/hams.


One leg extentions: 12, 12, 10 @ 45lbs / each leg
BB Step Ups: 3x12 @ 67lbs / leg
BB Walking Lunges: 3x18 @ 67lbs / leg
Stiff Leg Deadlifts: 3x12 @ 67lbs
Lying Hamstring Curls: 12, 10, 8 @ 48lbs