Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: HIIT on bike
distance: 8.08
time: 31:00

I kicked my own bum on the bike this morning. I really made a huge effort to get beyond even the 90 rpms during my high interval minutes. I was able to maintain about 99-100 for several of the high minutes and was quite proud of myself - especially on the day after a leg workout.

I weighed myself again this morning after spending yesterday trying to rehydrate myself. I was at 130.6. I'm still recording yesterday's weight - 132.2, but it makes me feel good to see that loewr number on the scale. I just can't wait to break through to the 120's again - it has been a really, really long time.

Regardless of what the scale says, though, I am loving my body and am happy with what is going on. I know that I work harder than 99% of the people that cross my path - and even if I'm not tiny, I'm strong - and people are taking notice. My FIL saw the muscles in my arms when he was here. My MIL was certain that I had lost some more weight and was surprised to hear that I hadn't lost any. I am enjoying this - I like what I eat, I feel I make responsible choices and am setting a good example for my kids in terms of eating right and exercising. It is a priority in our lives and we're very intentional about it and I'm proud of that.

I have quite a ways to go in terms of cardio training. I feel like I'm in good health, but I could be even better. I still want to be able to run 5 miles in 45:00 3 times a week. I know that goal is a long way off right now, but I'm steadily working toward it. And after I reach that goal, I'll set another and another. This is the way to live - not complacent, constantly striving forward to be even better than before.

This afternoon I will do triceps/biceps