Saturday, November 24, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: steady state on the bike
distance: 8.13 miles
time: 33:00
speed: 75-80 rpms

I did not feel like getting up this morning to workout, but I did because I didn't have a true cardio session yesterday (we did walk fast downtown pushing strollers last night, but not the same thing).

I think Monday is going to be a bad day to take pictures - after Thanksgiving, after a 4 day weekend which has proven to be difficult to eat at the proper times. I will do better today, though - I will make sure I'm eating at the proper times today and we'll have a free meal tonight. Tomorrow, I'm going to try to have a free meal in the early part of the day so I'm not retaining so much water by having it at night.

Have been thinking a lot about this being a for-life thing. Not sure if it is. Am trying to figure it out. A friend has just started a program called Precision Nutrition. It is definitely something that I'm willing to look into as it focuses more on eating healthy and having it be a part of life rather than doing this extreme sort of calorie/carb/protein counting. I can do this for the rest of the challenge - I can do it until my birthday, which would make it a full year, but I'm not sure I can do it for the rest of my life. Not sure where to go with this.