Monday, November 5, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: Running
3 miles: 34:58
distance: 4.191 miles
Time: 50:00
Speeds: 3.8/5.2/5.3/5.5

My run was good this morning. I ran 2 miles straight - starting at 5.2 then increased to 5.3 at the 1 mile mark. I ran the last 3/4 mile (of the 3 miles) at 5.5 in order to come in under my previous time. I'm going to stick with running the 2 miles straight this week and increase it next week to 2.25 miles and go that route. I've got the mental wall for the 30 minutes and I just want to comfortably run 2 miles before going all out for the 30 minutes again.

I didn't do so great over the weekend in terms of eating. I didn't gorge myself, but I really didn't eat very clean for the most part. I didn't eat a whole lot, so I think my calories were probably in check, but I didn't pay much attention. I also didn't drink much water. We ate lunch over at Doug & Jenny's (I made lasagna) and then had small group in the evening - I have a tough time when I'm not at home... I don't think I did too bad, just a few too many pieces of halloween candy (considering I haven't had any candy bars during the week, I'm okay with the couple I had yesterday).

Next weekend will be another tough one - Dave's parents are going to be in town for Georgia's birthday. His mom and I are going to try to go to a craft show and then we're all going to the circus at night. We're going to have so much fun - I'm really, really excited about it. However, its going to be tough to eat clean and to eat on time. Sunday is going to be me at church with the girls by myself and then everyone over for lunch and the Bears game. I would guess that there may be a pizza involved - it won't be terribly difficult for me to turn that down as long as I'm at my house with my options. I also have to figure out a time to go grocery shopping over the weekend...

This week I'm going to read up on carb cycling and start planning my low and high days for that. I'm eager to see how this works and if I am as satisfied with my re-feed days as my teammates are. Its going to take some extra planning for me so that I can grocery shop properly.


One leg extensions: 3x12 @ 40lbs (each leg)
Barbell Step Ups: 3x12/leg @ 62lbs
Walking Lunges: 3x18/leg @ 62lbs
Stiff Leg Deadlifts: 3x12 @ 62lbs
Hamstring Curls: 48lbs: 12, 8, 7