Monday, August 27, 2007


Summer Tracker Challenge
Beginning Date: July 16, 2007
Ending Date: October 7, 2007

Workout: 20:00 HIIT, 10 minute steady state walking at 5% incline, Chest/Shoulders/Tris
2.298 total miles, 2 miles in 25:02

Weekend was good. We went to Grand Rapids and we packed all of our meals for Saturday. We did good for most of the day, but got stuck in really bad traffic on the way out there (flooded expressway) and our meal times got off because of it. We went to the fair and ate protein pancakes instead of fair food, but by the time we got to mom and dad's we were one meal behind - so I chose to have some low fat ice cream to replace both meals. It could have been much, much worse. I'm happy with my eating performance over the weekend:)

Yesterday was the summer birthday picnic and we had hamburgers and hot dogs and chips. I had 2 hot dogs (& buns) and a hamburger. I had some chips and 1/2 of a cookie, but definitely did not go overboard. I didn't even feel like it was hard. I had cereal for breakfast and some buffalo pretzels on the way home & 1/2 of a candy bar. Cereal for dinner and a klondike bar afterward. All in all it was a good free day - I was not controlled by food and I didn't go overboard and didn't feel horrible by the end. Sounds like a lot of food, but in comparison, it really wasn't.

I'm feeling good about how things are going. I have no idea if I am progressing at all. My weight seems to be stuck around 131/132 and doesn't want to go anywhere, but at least I'm not gaining. Dave says that my legs are different and my body is just different - more toned and less fat. I can't see the changes, but he can. I didn't take any measurements or pictures this weekend and am trying to figure out when I want to do that again - I just don't want to be disappointed by lack of progress. I feel like I'm working soooo hard and if I don't see progress I'm going to get disappointed and discouraged.

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