Monday, August 13, 2007

STC - C2W5D29

Summer Tracker Challenge
Beginning Date: July 16, 2007
Ending Date: October 7, 2007

Workout: HIIT - stairs... 10 passes, 50 minute total workout, running lap: 43:45, Sprint: 51:52

Ready to begin another week and to hit it harder than ever before. I'm increasing my cardio on my HIIT days (20:00 --> 45:00) and I'm adding cardio to my weight training days. I'm going to change up my weight training to do the BFFM splits. I have to sit down and figure it out yet so I don't know if I'll do 2 day splits or 3 day or 4 day and what they'll be. Changing the weights up will hopefully decrease the amount of time spent lifting, which frees me up to add some cardio right afterward. We bought a treadmill over the weekend, which will be delivered on Wednesday so it will be convenient to hop right on after lifting weights or to run after the girls go to bed if Cornbread has a late night.

I'm also increasing my calories and am going to try the zig zag method described in BFFM. 1606 calories on my low days and 2065 on my high days. I decided this morning that I'm going to give up my free day on Sunday and have free night on Saturday night. I just have to get this under control and the only way I'm going to be able to do it is to give it up on Sunday. I'll have a big protein pancake in the morning on Sunday while everyone else has pancakes and I'll just eat as normal on Sunday. This Sunday is going to be tough since we're going to a cottage for the day, but I'm going to have to commit to it and pack a cooler of my food and deal with the strange looks and comments.

I want this to work and it will. I'm going to be in the best shape of my life on October 7th. I'm going to weigh 115 pounds and be 15% bodyfat. The only way I'll get there is to eat 100% clean, drink 1 gallon of water every day, workout like a mad woman, and give up my free days and replace it with one free meal/evening. I can do this. I will do this.

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