Friday, August 3, 2007

STC - C2W3D19

Summer Tracker Challenge
Beginning Date: July 16, 2007
Ending Date: October 7, 2007

Workout: HIIT - bike: 5.55 miles in 20:00

I did my workout at 10am this morning and I noticed a big difference. I think my energy level was a bit higher so my intervals were done at a higher rpm rate than when i ride in the early morning. But since my intervals were higher, my 10 was not at as high of an rpm rate as usual - closer to 109rpms rather than the 120 that I was consistently hitting. Regardless, I went further in distance than I ever have before. My legs and heart are stronger and it shows.

I'm contemplating adding some additional cardio workouts during the week. I'm still thinking on that. I may give it another week just to think about it, but if I added a bike HIIT on my weight training days, that might not be so bad. Hmmm.... just not sure when I'm going to fit something like that in. Maybe when the girls go back to school it will be a little easier to figure it in.

Two more clean days and then I can eat! By Friday I am really expending a lot of energy to resist my tempting foods. Raisenettes at Doug's, cookies in our cupboard etc. etc. Tomorrow I weigh and measure and take pictures - that will be enough to hold off for today!

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