Saturday, August 4, 2007

STC - C2W3D20

Summer Tracker Challenge
Beginning Date: July 16, 2007
Ending Date: October 7, 2007

Workout: LBWO

Had a killer workout this morning. Walking lunges are going to kill me, but they are so good! I really hit a 10 on quads and hamstrings today.

I weighed myself and I've gained back the 1.5lbs that I lost last week. I'm not sure whats going on. I drank at least 144 oz of water every day. I got in all of my workouts. The only cheating that I did was less than 10 chips on Wednesday night, 3 malted milk balls, 1 spoonful of ice cream and a dish of lite microwave popcorn last night. But I also skipped a meal yesterday... This whole thing drives me absolutely batty. Have faith, have faith, have faith - the process works, just have faith. I need to remind myself of that before I get too caught up in the scale weight thing and bag it all together. Again, thoughts of finishing this challenge and going back to weight watchers are creeping in my head - I know I can lose weight on weight watchers, but I don't transform my body the way I'm hoping to with BFL. I want muscular, athletic legs and arms - not smaller but still flabby ones like I'd have with WW.

So keep on keeping on. Maybe my free day was a little too free last week - I'm going to have to amend that. Tonight we do not have a babysitter, so we're going to have to figure out what to do, but I'm craving the wings from Harrison's... we'll see.

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