Tuesday, August 14, 2007

STC - C2W5D30

Summer Tracker Challenge
Beginning Date: July 16, 2007
Ending Date: October 7, 2007

Workout: Legs/Back/Biceps - 33:46; Steady State cardio on the bike - 7.65mi in 30:00

Yesterday afternoon I sat down and redesigned my weight lifting routines according to BFFM. I am now lifting weights on M/T/Th/S and have two groups of muscles: Chest/Shoulders/Triceps & Legs/Back/Biceps. Each group will be worked twice every week and I will be doing 2 exercises for each muscle, 3 sets of reps at the same weight with the goal of reaching 12 reps for each of the 3 sets.

I did C/S/T last night at 8:30 and it looked like this:
Bench Press - 50#, 3 sets of 9 reps
Push Ups - 12, 12, 10
Cuban Press - 8#: 12, 11, 10
Lateral Raises - 8#: 12, 11.5, 9,5
Behind Head Extension - 14#: 3x12
Kickbacks - 12#: 12, 12, 10 (R&L)

I did L/B/B this morning and it looked like this:
Bulgarian Lunges - 25#: 3x12 (R&L)
Hamstring Curls - 40#: 8, 8, 7.5
Bent Over Row - 45#: 12, 10, 9
Pull Ups - 9, 9, 8
Seated Close Grip Concentration Curls (Barbell) - 20#: 3x12
Standing Barbell Curl - 20#: 3x8

So I need to increase weights on Tri extensions, Bulgarian Lunges (Ow), and seated concentration curls.

I like these workouts. They each took less than 35 minutes, which is really, really nice. I'm going to have to ride the bike later this afternoon or this evening for cardio. I think I'm going to take Saturday and Sunday off from cardio and Sunday off from everything.

My arms are killing me from last night. I think these are going to be good workouts - I'm excited to see the results:)

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