Tuesday, August 21, 2007

STC - C2W6D37

Summer Tracker Challenge
Beginning Date: July 16, 2007
Ending Date: October 7, 2007

Workout: Steady State Cardio - 30:00, 2.413 miles total; 2 miles in 24:30

Still need to lift tonight after the girls go to bed. Things are going well and my body is tired.

9:19pm -

Just lifted. Legs/Back/Biceps. I increased either weight or reps on every exercise. I sweated my bum off, my heart rate was up and I was out of breath - I would say that I was doing it right:)

I really do like this new workout schedule - I feel like I'm accomplishing so much more and my progress is much more measurable. I can see progress on my workout sheets.

I'm eating clean throughout the days and am tapering my calories on days that I can (I couldn't yesterday because of having guests over for dinner). Sticking to right around 1600 calories/day (give or take 10 calories). Tomorrow is my medium/high day - 1900 calories.

I looking forward to seeing how I look on October 7 even more than ever before - I really think things are changing and going well. Cornbread said my legs are a lot more muscular and I have less overhang on my bum and less cellulite on my legs - all things I can't see because they're in the back. I have noticed, though, that the lower part of my thighs are smaller.

1 comment:

April said...

Hey Jana, could I ask what the protein pancakes are made of? I am not a fan of carbs, so I thought that maybe they were something I would be interested in. Thanks, April